The economic and community development department's mission is to aid in and oversee the physical and economic development growth and planning of the city. The department provides administrative support to the city commission and various boards, most notably, the planning commission, zoning board of appeals, brownfield redevelopment authority, and community development block grant program. Staff works closely with the business community and residents, answering questions and addressing concerns in an effort to meet the needs of each within the context of the city's plans and ordinances.
Development-related fees can be found in the "Fee Schedule" below in the Ordinances and Applications folder. Interested parties are encouraged to request a Conceptual Review Meeting prior to making any payments. Payments are payable by check and can be mailed or made at City Hall. Credit card payments can also be made in person at City Hall (subject to a 2.95% processing fee.)
Application Due Date Reminder
The Planning Commission meets the fourth (4th) Wednesday of each month and completed applications are due at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.*
*If the proposed action requires a public hearing, including a Special Land Use Application, publication due dates for the Grosse Pointe News may dictate an additional period of time in order to guarantee publication of the Notice of Public Hearing.
Contact Us
Leslie M. Frank, City Clerk
Tyrone Hinton
Economic and Community Development Director
Irma Hayes
Economic and Community Development Deputy Director
Resources & Information
Conceptual Review Meeting
Purpose – Prior to beginning any development process in the City, applicants are encouraged to meet with City staff for a conceptual review meeting. This meeting can help promote a smooth approval process once a formal application is submitted.
Requirements – In order to make the best use, the following should be known/available:
- Location
- Existing use
- Intended development (residential, office, retail, manufacturing, and so forth)
- Preliminary sketches (hand-drawn are sufficient)
- Surrounding land uses
Any other additional information such as professional service providers, flood zone status, expected parking, and so forth are helpful but not required.
Process (Timeline) – At the meeting, City staff will cover the following:
- Review the proposed use for general conformance with existing zoning
- Provide initial feedback on design (if applicable)
- Identify the correct process (site plan review, special land use, variance and so forth) and walk the applicant through what to expect
- Cover potential options for incentives through local, county or state programs
- Answer any additional questions you may have pertaining to development in Harper Woods